After playing around with ASP.NET developer certificates on macOS I couldn't get it back to work. Whenever the app started, I got an `The default developer certificate could not be found` error on application start up.
Yesterday I wandered through the valley of tears when I completely bricked my .NET 6 SDK installation on Xubuntu 22.04 by installing .NET 7 SDK. But I was able to fix it. Here is the complete story.
I got some feedback for my previous post: Will the single view approach work with ASP.NET Razor Pages instead of MVC Views and Controllers? I'm a total noob regarding Razor Pages but: it works.
A while ago, the HTMX team published an approach to improve locality of behavior and cohesion in server side rendered views. This post describes how this can be implemented using ASP.NET Core Razor views.
If you're using Alpine.js in ASP.NET Razor Views or Pages, you might want to pass some C# values to Alpine's x-data attribute. Here's how.