Alexander Zeitler

Alexander Zeitler

Creating an AWS Cognito user pool with OAuth flows using AWS CDK

Published on Monday, October 5, 2020

I tried to setup an AWS Cognito user pool supporting OAuth 2.0 client credential flow using AWS CDK.

As of version 1.66.0. CDK allows you to create a Cognito User Pool very straight forward:

mkdir idp-stack && cd idp-stack
cdk init idp-stack --language typescript
npm install @aws-cdk/aws-cognito
import { OAuthScope, UserPool } from "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito";

const pool = new UserPool(this, "dev-userpool", {
  userPoolName: "dev-userpool",

Next you would assume, you can add a client with client credential flow enabled (as explained in the links above). So here it is:

pool.addClient("console-client", {
  generateSecret: true,
  oAuth: {
    flows: {
      clientCredentials: true,
    scopes: [OAuthScope.custom("https://resource-server//get-todos")],

In order to be able to add a custom scope like https://resource-server//get-todos, first you need to create a resource server. But it is not connected to the user pool in terms of a function to call on the pool instance (which makes sense if you think about it for a while).

So here we go:

new CfnUserPoolResourceServer(this, "dev-userpool-resource-server", {
  identifier: "https://resource-server/",
  name: "dev-userpool-resource-server",
  userPoolId: pool.userPoolId,
  scopes: [
      scopeDescription: "Get todo items",
      scopeName: "get-todos",

Now we can use the get-todos scope in our client (take care of the correct convention to specify the scope here):

pool.addClient("console-client", {
  generateSecret: true,
  oAuth: {
    flows: {
      clientCredentials: true,
    scopes: [OAuthScope.custom("https://resource-server//get-todos")],

Make sure to take care of the convention for scopes: <resourceserver-identifier>//<scope-name> (notice the double slash).

Additionally we'll specify a domain for our user pool:

pool.addDomain("CognitoDomain", {
  cognitoDomain: {
    domainPrefix: "dev-userpool",

Lets try cdk deploy and everything should be fine:

npm run build && npm run cdk deploy

This is the result - and we're done ✅

The stack IdpStack already includes a CDKMetadata resource
IdpStack: deploying...
IdpStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
[██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████] (6/6)

 ✅  IdpStack

The user pool:

The client:

The resource server:

The full code example can be found here.

What are your thoughts about "Creating an AWS Cognito user pool with OAuth flows using AWS CDK"?
Drop me a line - I'm looking forward to your feedback! email
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